The people that seek out our work are those that have a variety of issues. We believe that the body does everything it does for a reason - many times the reason is to protect you. Each “symptom” you feel is your body trying to tell you that something is wrong. Often client’s will compensate (sometimes unknowingly) to keep an issue from coming to mind. Our practitioners will look for these signs/signals and use them to direct the treatment session. Looking at the signals from the full body allows us to get towards the root cause of the symptom which will hopefully result in long-term resolution. By using many different techniques during the session, the practitioner may be able to get you on your way quicker than you thought! Integrate and Thrive can address the following issues... it's a long list!
The people that seek out our work are those that have issues with…
- Autoimmune disorders (fibromyalgia, crohn’s, rheumatoid arthritis, lyme disease, lupus, etc.)
- Trouble sleeping
- Joint discomfort, stiffness
- Back discomfort
- Chronic tightness, fatigue, lack of range of motion
- Gut/Digestive issues including IBS
- Tender gut
- Chronic fatigue
- Recurring injuries
- Pre/post-op
- Herniated disc
- Not getting relief from other treatments
- Brain fog
- Trauma of any type (including those with PTSD)
- Migraines, headaches
- Nerve pain (ex. sciatic nerve)
- Numbness/tingling down arm/legs or into the neck/back
- Muscle cramps
- History of stroke
- Hit a plateau with performance
- Have tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, artritis (anything that ends in “-itis”)
- Excess weight
- Known liver or kidney problems
- Blood test comes back fine, but you are not feeling fine
- Born c-section, premature, induced or an epidural was used
- If mother used alcohol or drugs while pregnant
- Crawling, walking, speech delays
- Behavior disorders (OCD, ADD, autism, etc.)
- In ability to regulate emotions, hyperactivity, lack of motivation
- Chronic tightness, movement limitations
- Walking on your toes, inside or outside edge of your foot
- Balance/coordination issues
- Bad posture
- Holding excess fluids (specifically behind the knee, at the collarbones, and in your ankles/feet)
- Edema